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History of the Company

Mackeypore and Lakhmijan Tea estates belonging to the B.D.Kanoria Group produce approximately 2 million kilograms of black tea every year. With a long history of experience, expertise, and our strong, sustained focus on producing quality tea, today our estates command premium prices in the market.

The gardens were acquired through a Sale Agreement signed between Assam Company Limited and The Ananda (Assam) Tea Co. Limited on 24/01/1969.

In 1970, The Ananda (Assam) Tea Co. Limited was taken over by Bengal Tea Company Limited which subsequently became Bengal Tea & Fabrics Limited.

The Maple Group of Bengal Tea & Fabrics Limited pertaining to Mackeypore Tea Estate, Lakmijan Tea Estate and Asarwa Overseas Unit was transferred to Tuscon Resources Limited on 01/04/1997 vide order of Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta dated 27/04/1998. The name of Tuscon Resources Limited was changed to Kanco Enterprises Limited vide Certificate of Incorporation dated 16 /6/1998.

The Tea Division of Kanco Enterprises Limited comprising Mackeypore Tea Estate and Lakmijan Tea Estate were transferred to Dhanvaridhi Concerns Limited on 01/04/2009 vide order of Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta dated 07/04/2010. The name of Dhanvaridhi Concerns Limited was changed to Kanco Tea & Industries Limited vide Fresh Certificate of Incorporation dated 21st of April, 2010 issued consequent to change in name of the Company.

Today, the estates employ over 3000 workers, a large number of whom are women. With our dedicated adherence to worker's welfare and development, we enjoy cordial relations with our Worker's Unions. It is our endeavor to continue to take measures to improve the quality of lives of those around us.